Wednesday, August 31, 2011



Of course I would love to drive an eco-friendly, gas sipping, sex machine called by most normal beings a car.  But what happened to the beautiful backside and nice sleek looks? When did that go out the window?

It seems to me that this hybrid craze is nothing more than a hipster happening for showboating the newest jellybean shaped mobile!  Well I say nay... Why not just take the beautiful guts of the hybrid and throw those in what we all know and love as a sexy looking car...  Something we could all be proud to park somewhere other than the local coffee shop to argue opposite view points on everything popular whilst sipping a mocha latte green tea frape and smoking non-other than American Spirits(because they are just better)?!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thanks to Steve!

Seriously???? He wore the same thing for 13 years...  iBet its custom made.